Are you getting ready to put your home on the market? If so, you’ll want to make sure that your plumbing is in good condition. A small plumbing issue can turn into a major headache for a home seller – not to mention, it could scare away potential buyers, and you might need a proper plumbing service.

So if you’re not sure what state your plumbing is in, here are a few things you can do to get it up to par.

1. Install a water filtration system to improve the quality of your drinking water

As anyone who has ever had a drink of water straight from the tap knows, not all water is created equal. Depending on the source, water can contain a variety of impurities, including minerals, chemicals, and even bacteria.

While most of these impurities are not harmful in small amounts, they can cause health problems if consumed in large quantities or over a long period of time. This is why many people choose to install a water filtration system in their home. By removing impurities from the water supply, filtration systems help to improve the quality of drinking water, making it safer and more pleasant to consume.

There are a wide variety of filtration systems available on the market, so it is important to do your research to find the one that best meets your needs. However, even a basic filtration system can make a big difference in the quality of your drinking water. Plus this certainly will serve as bonus points for your prospective buyer.

2.Check your faucets and pipes for leaks on a regular basis

One of the most important things you can do to check the quality of your plumbing system is to check your faucets and pipes for leaks on a regular basis. Even a small leak can waste a lot of water, and it can also lead to higher water bills.

The good news is that most leaks are easy to fix, and you can often do it yourself without having to call a plumber. First, check all of the faucets in your home, both inside and out. If you notice any drips or leaks, tighten the packing nut or replace the washer. Next, check all of your exposed pipes, both hot and cold. If you see any leaks, you may be able to fix them by simply tightening the joints.

However, if the leaks are more serious, you may need to replace the pipes. In either case, it’s important to act quickly to prevent further water damage.

3. Flush your drains with baking soda and vinegar every month to keep them clean and clear

Most people are familiar with the occasional clogged drain. Whether it’s a result of cooking grease, hair, or soap buildup, a clog can quickly turn a simple chore like doing the dishes into a nightmare. Thankfully, there is an easy and inexpensive way to prevent clogged drains: flush them with a mixture of baking soda and vinegar every month.

According to Plumber Xpert,  baking soda is a gentle abrasive that will help to break up any build-up in your pipes, while vinegar is a powerful cleaning agent that will disinfect and deodorize your drains. Simply pour ½ cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by ½ cup of vinegar. Let the mixture sit for 10-15 minutes, then flush with hot water.

By following this simple routine, you can keep your drains clean and clear all year long.

4. Inspect your hot water heater for any signs of corrosion or rust

Over time, hot water heaters can develop corrosion or rust. This can be caused by a number of factors, including age, mineral build-up, or even leaks. If not addressed, this corrosion can lead to serious problems, such as leaks or even a complete failure of the unit.

That’s why it’s important to inspect your hot water heater on a regular basis, and especially if you notice any signs of corrosion. If you do find corrosion, there are a few things you can do to clean it up. One is to simply use a wire brush to scrub away the rust. You can also use a commercial cleaner designed for removing rust. Just be sure to follow the directions carefully, and always wear gloves and protective eyewear when working with any cleaners.

With a little bit of care, you can keep your hot water heater in good condition for many years to come.

5. Have a qualified plumber inspect your home’s plumbing system at least once a year

A plumbing inspection is a crucial part of maintaining your home. Your home’s plumbing system is responsible for transporting clean water into your home and waste water out, so it’s important to make sure that it is in good working condition. A qualified plumber can identify any potential problems and repair them before they cause serious damage.

Inspections should be done at least once a year, and more often if you have an older home or live in an area with hard water. By taking this simple step, you can protect your home from expensive repairs and ensure that your plumbing system lasts for years to come.


If you’re getting ready to put your home on the market, be sure to check out our top tips for ensuring that your plumbing is in good condition. A small plumbing issue can turn into a major headache for a home seller – not to mention, it could scare away potential buyers.

By taking care of any plumbing problems before you list your home, you’ll ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible. Check out our tips below and get started on fixing those pesky plumbing issues, for more serious issues, you can contact a plumber in jorhor bahru.